They have the right to live, the right to see this world, the right to breath, the rigt to see, the right to walk, the right to love, the right to be loved.. the list goes on
Every child has the right to be born in a socially safe environment and have a mother and a father
Many say Abortions are often considered "the easy was out." I feel that abortions are just selfish. There is no easy way out. I could not imagine living with the guilt of taking another's life, especially the life of something that I created, and that is dependent of me. There are so many people out there that wish they had the chance to get pregnant. If they really feel that you are not ready to be a parent then the person could at least give the baby up for adoption, and make their life, that baby's life, and the family adopting the babies' life a lot happier.
Yes i know we shouldnt judge either, I do Aggree on that buh just seeing a person take a life of an unborn is just to painfull. Thats why the made protecting stuff to avoid all this. If you know you dont want a baby, you should kow the stuff to do, buh not kill an innocent child; because who are we to kill. we are none. let the child live! js seeing this horrible images makes my heart go in pieces. What fault does this baby have.None, just think about it. let a child live a life.
We should all say no to Abortions, we should let him or she live beacuase they have the right to decide weather they do or not when they get older. Dont decide for them!!