Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Digital Revolution

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This story is about old clocks and how now in days we have the new clocks.
For Example clock radio, used to have a face and a slender hand that we had to point to the time we wanted to get up. Now in days clocks are automatic and dont need to use batteries. we also dont need to plug them no more. Its good that this technology is getting better because they are coming with alot of new interesting stuff.
Its nice to hear that something new is coming up each day.

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Is It Ever Right To Take The Life Of Another Human Being?

What gives us humans worth and value? Is It Ever Right To Take The Life Of An Innocent Human Life? No ofcourse not we dont have the right to take another humans being life away. They have the right to live the same way we do. An unborn baby should have the right to live, why kill an inoccent child if he or she cant even speak for it self. People should start realizing & stop all this abortions. Its painfull to see all this happening. Really, I think abortion should be illegal, people should get arrested. why? beacuse you are killin a human being; an inoccent poor human being.

They have the right to live, the right to see this world, the right to breath, the rigt to see, the right to walk, the right to love, the right to be loved.. the list goes on

Every child has the right to be born in a socially safe environment and have a mother and a father

Many say Abortions are often considered "the easy was out." I feel that abortions are just selfish. There is no easy way out. I could not imagine living with the guilt of taking another's life, especially the life of something that I created, and that is dependent of me. There are so many people out there that wish they had the chance to get pregnant. If they really feel that you are not ready to be a parent then the person could at least give the baby up for adoption, and make their life, that baby's life, and the family adopting the babies' life a lot happier.

Yes i know we shouldnt judge either, I do Aggree on that buh just seeing a person take a life of an unborn is just to painfull. Thats why the made protecting stuff to avoid all this. If you know you dont want a baby, you should kow the stuff to do, buh not kill an innocent child; because who are we to kill. we are none. let the child live! js seeing this horrible images makes my heart go in pieces. What fault does this baby have.None, just think about it. let a child live a life.

We should all say no to Abortions, we should let him or she live beacuase they have the right to decide weather they do or not when they get older. Dont decide for them!!

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"The Ravine"

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The Story i read about was about quincy scott is describing how him n his brothers alsocousins played and tell us how special that place means to him. While your readin the reader describes how it looks.Most of their spring to summer and autumn. They also describe how the plants and trees changed over time when the season changes. The ravine was a good place for them to play when they were young, most of thei times they spend there where the best once, it made there family closer together. the spot was located in the back of their home.

The Hiroshima Museum"

In this story it talks about the Hiroshima Museum.
She discribes how she sees the stuff place in the musuem,
how quiet it is, also talkin about the atomic bomb.
How Oshita-Chan was half a mile from the hypocenter
of the nuclear blast, describing what she was wearing:
a blue-short sleeve blouse. People when they enter in
the museum are hushed because i think they are tryimg to respect
and maybe know about it. It also tell you a bit about the time the bomb occured, which was at eight-fifhteen.

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I think this story is quit interesting, why? because its
talkin about the impact of an atomic bomb. This make you wanna know about
what happen in Hiroshima. Lookin information up about it makes you realize and lets you see what they went through.

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The Peace Memorial Museum collects and displays belongings left by the victims, photos, and other materials that convey the horror of that event, supplemented by exhibits that describe Hiroshima before and after the bombings and others that present the current status of the nuclear age. Each of the items displayed embodies the grief, anger, or pain of real people. Having now recovered from the A-bomb calamity, Hiroshima's deepest wish is the elimination of all nuclear weapons and the realization of a genuinely peaceful international community

Monday, March 22, 2010

This Blogg thing going to drive me Crazy.

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Oh my god, making this blogger was difficult and its still difficult for me. I still dont get the hang of it. I so do things wrong. Im learning little by little. It seemed all simple but its not. I accidently erased some blogs i did, I thought i was saving them buh i was realizing i wasnt..I learned how to put some pictures I just cant understand some things like the url n stuff ETC. ugh. This blogger thing is going to drive me crazy. Hopefully I get use to doing it and learn how to use it more. This is nice though you get to post anything. I kind of like this. so way different than myspace I think. Myspace is much simple. Easier to managE and use.

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"Discrimintation should Stop already"

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Discrimination, who hasn’t been discriminated right? I think everyone has been discriminated; everyone has deal with it. Discriminated just because of their color, if they thin look different than others or maybe what they do. Everyone should just respect others, everyone is the same they just think different and look different. If there would have been only one race I think life here would be so boring. Having different kind of cultures make life much interesting. Why? Because you learn new interesting stuff and learn different kinds of languages.

If everyone would be one race I think life would be boring, people would do the same stuff others are doing know a certain language, basically everyone would know everything your doing. Being different is a very good thing because you get the chance to learn and meet new people, also knowing about others backgrounds how their life’s where. It’s nice to know where other people come from and how they are way different on doing things we don’t do or the thing we do.

Everyone has been discriminated mostly because their color. We should all respect others if we want to get respect back. Also a lot of people judge too much. I don’t think people should judge people without knowing them because we hurt others feelings. I don’t think there’s nothing bad about people being different from others; if your white, African American or Latin etc. That doesn’t mean we are not important, we are all important. Don’t let others bring you down just because you’re from a different place or you look much different than that person.

Everyone should respect others, we should all start getting along, and all types of discriminations should just stop, because we are all the same just with different minds. Step up and say no to racism. We should all reunite as one and just be one big family. Don’t let the color hold you back.


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Have you ever been discriminated just because what you do, or because of your race? I think mostly everyone has been through it. We need to learn to respect others. By respecting them we can learn many cultures backgrounds, we should learn how to interact and get along with them. Also say the right thing to respect them. Try not to offend others, stop the discrimination because we are all the same.

Living in a big city of Los Angeles I experienced a lot and saw a lot of new interesting cultures; American pop culture, Chinese, Latin, African American the list goes on. It’s a very huge city, lots of interested people of all kinds. I grew up in Sylmar CA, I loved that place. Most of my years were spend there. We moved a lot, Lancaster was the last stop. A very nice place, loved the weather and the schools. People there would sometimes mind their own business, but once in a while they would try to get into yours. It all started when I began Antelope High School.

The only thing I didn’t like is when I started Antelope High School in Lancaster. Students in there would look at me like they didn’t like me. There was a lot of African American and few Hispanics. They would think I was Mexican and Chinese, but I would tell them that I wasn’t, that I was Mexican and Salvadorian that there is a big difference in cultures. As soon as I told them there face expressions change, they got all surprised and wouldn’t believe me. I wasn’t surprise about it because I was use to it. In Antelope High School students would talk about you, they would talk about how you looked, were you from, your color, if you were skinny, short, overweight or anything just to make fun of you. There would always be a lot of riots; we would always be in lockdown in that school. All this lockdowns were because people would call out other people out because of their color.

I learned that people should just respect others. Having respect towards others would bring fewer problems to the situation. People should just stop judging without knowing the person just because we look or say stuff different. We are all the same we just think different. There shouldn’t be any reason for others to compare us with others. It’s a beautiful thing learning about others countries and where they came from. Judging people just like that doesn’t take us anywhere; because making rude comments about others we do actually hurt others feelings, like they hurt you, you hurt other to by talking about them. So think next time when you going to criticize someone.

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Regular Customer"

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This story is talking about a lady always goin in the coffe place always askin for her same usual coffe. Everytime she goes in she always want her coffe exctly how she always gets it,always asking to put her coffe for 45 seconds. Also it tells you how she always does the same thing over and over. Like for example she prceeds to gather a napkin, stir straw, three sugars, and two creamers; placing them on her table every single day she comes also describes what she wears. this story usually repeats the same thing beacuse of what she always does is the same thing.

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The overall of this essay is that she repeats every thing and has her usual coffe every morning. Lsao she ask for the same thing, nothing never changes.


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In this story its talkin about her aunts Helens' favorite Chicken and dumplings. she talk about how good her dish is that youll get more by just trying out one more. also describes how her dish is made. She doesnt stop eating because her dish is so goo shell want more and more. Being so full and gettin so much of her aunts dish she gets full and has an Alka-Seltzer in hand begging for some relief. Because her stomach hurts of how ful she is she saiys next time shell only get one serving.

this is a nice story. Its quit interesting to read. Also because when the reader is readiin you can kno exactly what the person is saying and doin.

"The Perfect Dog"

In this story what it talks about is about a man getting a dog from a cardboard box. Hes talkin about his dog always listening to his commands. Also that his dog abays to every command this man tells him to do.His frineds will envy him because how good his dog would listen to him. When the man leaves his house he can leave the dog there without the dog doin any kind of mess. The dog love sitting in the back of the car when the man will drive anywhere. He really thought the dog how to obey. this is a very interesting story to read. gives some details on what the man is saying and talking about. I like this book because it talks about how the dog is and what the man is saying. For me its quit interesting. anyone would like to read this tiny short story.!!

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The overall impression of this story is that his dog listen and hes a great listener He also trained the dog, so when ever he was unleashed the dog would go running after other or chase them. He would patiently sit rite next to his owner.!!!>!