Discrimination, who hasn’t been discriminated right? I think everyone has been discriminated; everyone has deal with it. Discriminated just because of their color, if they thin look different than others or maybe what they do. Everyone should just respect others, everyone is the same they just think different and look different. If there would have been only one race I think life here would be so boring. Having different kind of cultures make life much interesting. Why? Because you learn new interesting stuff and learn different kinds of languages.
If everyone would be one race I think life would be boring, people would do the same stuff others are doing know a certain language, basically everyone would know everything your doing. Being different is a very good thing because you get the chance to learn and meet new people, also knowing about others backgrounds how their life’s where. It’s nice to know where other people come from and how they are way different on doing things we don’t do or the thing we do.
Everyone has been discriminated mostly because their color. We should all respect others if we want to get respect back. Also a lot of people judge too much. I don’t think people should judge people without knowing them because we hurt others feelings. I don’t think there’s nothing bad about people being different from others; if your white, African American or Latin etc. That doesn’t mean we are not important, we are all important. Don’t let others bring you down just because you’re from a different place or you look much different than that person.
Everyone should respect others, we should all start getting along, and all types of discriminations should just stop, because we are all the same just with different minds. Step up and say no to racism. We should all reunite as one and just be one big family. Don’t let the color hold you back.