Thursday, May 13, 2010


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Drinking Under Age.


-What would happen if the drinking age was rolled back to 18 0r 19

-Drinking at age 18

-Montreals McGill University

-First they go overboard exporting their ability to drink legally.

-Legalizing Drinking at age 18

Keeping Drinking at age 21

-To be able to keep drinking to a minimum untill after college.

-People drink more underage because of the law of drinking.

-By the time peoplw turn.
all they want drink so much because they where drinking more in high school, college keep at age 21.


*Statement of the problem:
-Is flunking a problem as it was two generatins ago.

-Teachers would have to follow through on the threat knowing their childrens interest are at stroke.

Tax Junk Food? Yes

*Statement of the problem*

-Heart disease,cancer,stroke and other diet-realted conditions (to little physical activity)

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-Put more fresh fruits and vegatables on the plates of school age kids.
-Encourage Americans to switch from high-fat milk to 1 percent or skim
-Encourage kids to take physycal activities.

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-Prematurely kill several hundred thousands Americans each year, a treatment of those conditions cost tax payers more than 100 billion each year.


-Yet the goverment spends almost nothing to promote better diet and more exercise wich will prevent disease.


-A one cent per can tax on sugary soft drinks, though or small taxes on other disease-
-Promoting foods could raise billions of dollars.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Drinking Under Age

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Do you think Drinking should be legal at age 18? In my point of view I don't think it should be legal at age 18 because minors dont really know how to control the substance in the alcohol. Not only that but they be drinking and driving; causing accidents. Theres is plenty of people that be buying minors alcohol when they very young.I think citizens should just wait till they turn 21, even though they still drink and drive, it would be less accidents.Think about it what so speacial of drinking so young when you cant control what you are drinking, being to drunk may cause many problems; rape, die of alcohol poisoning many things similar to that.
Also students are now drinking at school.

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Alcohol can mess up your head, Being drunk is a condition in which a person has overdosed on a drug. Alcohol is an anesthetic drug. It puts the brain to sleep just like a shot of Novocain makes gums numb.Brain damage begins with the first drink and becomes sever in the case of the alcoholic,It should come as no surprise that people who drink start experiencing problems at school. Alcohol is a drug. It's also an addicting drug; 3.3 million young men and women under 20 are problem drinkers.
Alcoholism in adolescents develops rapidly, with some teens becoming alcoholics within six months after taking their first drink. Nineteen out of 100 young people 12to 17 years old are defined as having a serious drinking problem. There is no cure for alcoholism. Another problem of alcohol under age, It can destroy the liver;
About 85 percent of the deaths due to cirrhosis are associated with alcohol.
Damage to the liver due to cirrhosis can not be reversed.
Liver cancer is also related to alcohol use. Also Alcohol is a poison to all parts of the body, including the heart. Even moderate amounts of alcohol can adversely affect heart function.

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Every five seconds, a teenager has a drug or alcohol-related traffic accident.
One drink can impair the ability to drive, especially when the person is inexperienced as a driver. More than 25 cents of every dollar you pay for automobile insurance premiums goes to pay for damage done by drunk drivers.Drinking and driving accidents are the number one cause of death among teenagers.More than 12,000 young Americans are killed each year in accidents involving young people and alcohol.
Forty thousand Americans are disfigured each year in accidents involving young people and alcohol. Most of all Alcohol can make you actlike an Idiot! That's the bottom line; People drink because they think acting like an idiot is the same as acting cool. People drink alcohol because they like the feeling of being "high" which is actually just the feeling of having damage to the central nervous system.

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I think The law should stay like that, citizens should just be legal to drink at age 21, less accidents and problems. They should just wait, we wouldnt want any teenager to get hurt or be in a serious problem because of the cause of alcohol that was in them made them react to something they didnt want and later regret it. Being cool doesnt mean you have to drink to impress your friends be yourself and stop following others. Live the right way.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Persuasive essay on "Abortion"

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Do you think Abortion is Murder? In my view f Point I think it is. Why can they JUST put their child on adoption instead of taking Risk of your life and killng an inoccent child. There should be more pograms to help these pople out, we the people should suppor them, instead of just judging them. By aborting a baby you can get sick, have Infections, may cause death, or may have problems in the future. There's so many Kinds of abortion that its crazy to describe, I dont know how they can manage to have the risk of it.Aborion in the U.S is a very sensitive, They should start putting a new law so people would stop all this abortions.

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One of the problems in the United States is abortions, so many innocent babies dying. Its reall wrong to kill Inocent Human. "Fetus are innocent human beings; these two premises together force the intellet to conclude that it's wrong to kill fetus". By aborting people be getting Infected, this damaga can be mild fatal. The double of infection will beat least bouble of a hospital environment, not only that but if the process is not correctly done you might have serious complications in the future. If Limbs or skull is left in the uterus, severe infection may result; causing cramping and bleeding, Anesthic complications and death. People ask what happens to and aborted baby, aborted babies are often dumped in trah cans into a plastic bag for disposal or sold by the bag for etal transplant and expirimentations. Killin a child is wrong, people should not go through all the risk of it.

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Rather than helping to clarify the matter, it appears "scholarship only muddies the water into many cases" How can people take the risk of all this. So many kinds of abortion are now in days. Consciousness of internal and external objects, specially the ability to feel pain. Self- Motivated activities, presence of self- concept and self-awardness. Its really sad to hear people do all these things just to get an innocent out of their wounds. One risk is Suction. Suction is aspiration; commonly known as vacuum abortion; sucking the baby out of the mother and into the bottle. The instrument used for this abortion is 10-29 times more than a home vacuum cleaner. That pretty powerfull, dont you think. Another one is aline Abortion; this is a strong salt solution they say (saline) it is infected into the womb, which the baby reaths and swallows he solution which slowly poisons and suffocates the baby while it is slowly burning it skin, which the baby dies in 1 to 2 hours later. Another risk of abortion is Hysterotomy, Hysterotomy is like a birth by Cesarian section, except the purpose is to kill the baby. As Incision is made through the abdomen into the womb, the baby is kiled by varios means including drowning in a bucket of water, suffocating with the placenta, cutting the cord while the baby is in the uterus depriving her off oxygen, or allowing the baby to die by neglect. All these risk should not be legal at all. I dont think they should be allowed peiod. So many complcations are done, to many risk you have to take not only that but they are killing innocent baby. Today womn still die from all this legal abortions. Example: Pro-Abortion in Chicgo Sun Times an multiple issues in 1978, they discovered 1 mothers who had died from abortions. Unbelievable stuff but so true.

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A womans right to have a legal abortion was first proclaimed by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Roe.V Wade in 1973. It had aid that a oman freedom to choose wether or not to bear children was so personal as to fall within the meaning of the "Libert" claused by the 4th Amendment. To the U.S. wether legal or not, abortion had beed its it going to e for centuries. I dont think this is right at all, they are so wrong. How can they even allow this abortions to happen. Its trul sad to hear all this because there is clinins that the conditions are s less than sanitary,Doctors should face criminal charges not just for the place but for permitting all this to happen, they should be there to help them out not to help them abort their innocent helpless child and be thrown just like that.

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People should vote so all this abortions should not ever hapen anymore and if there is a point that she dont want his child she can just give it to adoption, there is alot of people that cant have kids and wish of one day god can conceive them with one, adoption would be better than harming a baby. Adoptions i an alternative to abortion definatly. There should be pograms about abortions, we should support the pregnant woman, expanding coverage t woman also; Woman an Unborn children in the health of insurance indutry. Thereis so many options there is there jsut not looking for the help they need. this abortion should stop.

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Any attempt to abort this life form is tentamount to murder, beacaus it equates to the taking of a huan life. Abortion is very wrong it inflicts pain and dangerously risks. Abortion also goes againt many kind of religion beliefs.Nearly one-half of these abortions are medically unsafe, resulting in the deaths of nearly 80,000 woman a year and a much larger number suffering injury, infection, and trauma. Both the legality of abortion and the availability of medically safe abortions are public health issues.