Do you think Drinking should be legal at age 18? In my point of view I don't think it should be legal at age 18 because minors dont really know how to control the substance in the alcohol. Not only that but they be drinking and driving; causing accidents. Theres is plenty of people that be buying minors alcohol when they very young.I think citizens should just wait till they turn 21, even though they still drink and drive, it would be less accidents.Think about it what so speacial of drinking so young when you cant control what you are drinking, being to drunk may cause many problems; rape, die of alcohol poisoning many things similar to that.
Also students are now drinking at school.

Alcohol can mess up your head, Being drunk is a condition in which a person has overdosed on a drug. Alcohol is an anesthetic drug. It puts the brain to sleep just like a shot of Novocain makes gums numb.Brain damage begins with the first drink and becomes sever in the case of the alcoholic,It should come as no surprise that people who drink start experiencing problems at school. Alcohol is a drug. It's also an addicting drug; 3.3 million young men and women under 20 are problem drinkers.
Alcoholism in adolescents develops rapidly, with some teens becoming alcoholics within six months after taking their first drink. Nineteen out of 100 young people 12to 17 years old are defined as having a serious drinking problem. There is no cure for alcoholism. Another problem of alcohol under age, It can destroy the liver;
About 85 percent of the deaths due to cirrhosis are associated with alcohol.
Damage to the liver due to cirrhosis can not be reversed.
Liver cancer is also related to alcohol use. Also Alcohol is a poison to all parts of the body, including the heart. Even moderate amounts of alcohol can adversely affect heart function.

Every five seconds, a teenager has a drug or alcohol-related traffic accident.
One drink can impair the ability to drive, especially when the person is inexperienced as a driver. More than 25 cents of every dollar you pay for automobile insurance premiums goes to pay for damage done by drunk drivers.Drinking and driving accidents are the number one cause of death among teenagers.More than 12,000 young Americans are killed each year in accidents involving young people and alcohol.
Forty thousand Americans are disfigured each year in accidents involving young people and alcohol. Most of all Alcohol can make you actlike an Idiot! That's the bottom line; People drink because they think acting like an idiot is the same as acting cool. People drink alcohol because they like the feeling of being "high" which is actually just the feeling of having damage to the central nervous system.

I think The law should stay like that, citizens should just be legal to drink at age 21, less accidents and problems. They should just wait, we wouldnt want any teenager to get hurt or be in a serious problem because of the cause of alcohol that was in them made them react to something they didnt want and later regret it. Being cool doesnt mean you have to drink to impress your friends be yourself and stop following others. Live the right way.