Have you ever been discriminated just because what you do, or because of your race? I think mostly everyone has been through it. We need to learn to respect others. By respecting them we can learn many cultures backgrounds, we should learn how to interact and get along with them. Also say the right thing to respect them. Try not to offend others, stop the discrimination because we are all the same.
Living in a big city of Los Angeles I experienced a lot and saw a lot of new interesting cultures; American pop culture, Chinese, Latin, African American the list goes on. It’s a very huge city, lots of interested people of all kinds. I grew up in Sylmar CA, I loved that place. Most of my years were spend there. We moved a lot, Lancaster was the last stop. A very nice place, loved the weather and the schools. People there would sometimes mind their own business, but once in a while they would try to get into yours. It all started when I began Antelope High School.
The only thing I didn’t like is when I started Antelope High School in Lancaster. Students in there would look at me like they didn’t like me. There was a lot of African American and few Hispanics. They would think I was Mexican and Chinese, but I would tell them that I wasn’t, that I was Mexican and Salvadorian that there is a big difference in cultures. As soon as I told them there face expressions change, they got all surprised and wouldn’t believe me. I wasn’t surprise about it because I was use to it. In Antelope High School students would talk about you, they would talk about how you looked, were you from, your color, if you were skinny, short, overweight or anything just to make fun of you. There would always be a lot of riots; we would always be in lockdown in that school. All this lockdowns were because people would call out other people out because of their color.
I learned that people should just respect others. Having respect towards others would bring fewer problems to the situation. People should just stop judging without knowing the person just because we look or say stuff different. We are all the same we just think different. There shouldn’t be any reason for others to compare us with others. It’s a beautiful thing learning about others countries and where they came from. Judging people just like that doesn’t take us anywhere; because making rude comments about others we do actually hurt others feelings, like they hurt you, you hurt other to by talking about them. So think next time when you going to criticize someone.