The Carrer I choose to take was Porole Officer, Why? Beacause thats been one of my dreams since a child.I think i would be good at this job because i got what it takes to do this job; Talk to people,be influential,make decisions using experience,work with people with different sets of problems in a variety of situations.I decided to go on Eureka website and check my true colors to see if that job was right to me.In that website I did Learn a little bit more on what I wanna do, and the options it had for me.what this job is about is Many people who are convicted of crimes are placed on probation, instead of being sent to prison. People who have served time in prison are often released on parole. During probation and parole, offenders must stay out of trouble and meet various other requirements. Probation officers, parole officers, and correctional treatment specialists work with and monitor offenders to prevent them from committing new crimes.
In this job career your going to be able to communicate with people,another one is be puntual very well organized and also knowing people that can count on you. Ability to dowork with people with different sets of problems in a variety of situations,work well in a group setting, as well as independently,do work that can be very intense and emotionally draining,plan and direct the activities of others,
be influential,make decisions using experience, and work toward a long-range goal.Yes,I do think I have some of the characteristics this carrer requires because I love helping others and take criminals of the streets.
A bachelor's degree in social work, criminal justice, psychology, or a related field is usually required.To be prepared for this Career we gots to Graduate from a four-year college, is the minimum requirement for entry into this field with a major in one of the Social Sciences, for example, Corrections, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Sociology, Public Administration. Most enter as trainees and receive some on-the-job training. A graduate degree is required to enter at the journey level and in some cases, with a combination of graduate-level coursework and experience.Different employers have different requirements for what counts as related experience. It may include work in probation, pretrial services, parole, corrections, criminal investigations, substance abuse treatment, social work, or counseling.To be a Parole Officer your going to do Indoors, in offices and in field contact with clients, law enforcement officials, and other specialists in the community.May be exposed to risks which accompany working with clientele of correctional systems and which are inherent in the arrest and control process.Those who work in detention centers may be on call 24 hours a day.Overtime is often necessary.Must be able to work within the constraints of agency policies and resources; and in most cases, success is difficult to measure.May be exposed to stresses and risks involved in the arrest and control of legal offenders.Much time is spent doing paperwork.Extensively reading is necessary to keep informed.Also Applicants for the job usually take written, oral, psychological, and physical examinations. Prospective probation officers or correctional treatment specialists should be in good physical and emotional condition. Most agencies require applicants to be at least 21 years old and, for Federal employment, not older than 37. Those convicted of felonies may not be eligible for employment in this occupation. A valid driver’s license is often required. I do think this would relate to my life if i do get this job.
The worst aspects of this job are the risk we going to take with the criminals;–Employees are frequently exposed to high crime, violence-prone areas. Work may include threats,from the offenders, families and associates of offenders who may be hostile, resistant and violent and may result in bodily injury. Employees typically work alone increasing the hazardous working conditions. Under certain circumstances, employees may be required to restrain or use deadly force against offenders ones may be even crazy or some may be calm you may never know what you going to deal with. We just gots to try help them, and do what we gots to do to protect the community. What i like about this job is we get more criminals of the streets or help them out, make sure they doing good and not bad stuff.Also knowing the skills we gots to do like; Knowledge of the laws of arrest, search, and seizure ,Knowledge of correctional systems,Respect for individual and cultural differences,Keep clear and accurate case records, and to write case notes,Understand psychology of young people,Clear communications,Understanding of personal boundaries and ethics.
I choosed this job beacause I love helping the communiy out and gettig criminals out of the streets, By visiting the Eureka website it helped me see if i had the qualities for this job, which I did. It helped me Understand more about what the job is also To be able to do it. My true color on the Eureka is Gold. The gold talked about what you might consider better if that job suits you. The gold said, Your strenght is duty, You are Organized, puntual dependable. Other know that they can count on you to get things done. You belive that work becomes before play. Your best skills include completing task and paying attention to duties. I do think this speaks to the personality types I have. The Eureka suggested these jobs because maybe another job is not the right one for us, also the Eureka helps us get the job that would go with our characteristics.